Godfather Death, Grimm Brothers, and Rilke
Variations for skull and cello

In the Baroque era, especially in Austria, the theme of death and the transience of existence was omnipresent in art and religion.

In this evocative and atmospheric production, death appears in many guises, linking old fairy tales with fragments from Rainer Maria Rilke’s The Notes of Malte Laurids Brigge to guide the play on stage. “Sometimes, I think to myself how heaven came into being and death...  Grimm and Rilke speak of anxiety, sickness, identity loss, destruction, and the longing for death. The puppeteer and the cellist plunge into this bizarre world and question our ideas about death, as well as the place we give it in today’s society. A poetic theater experience with very special characters.

19:00 Uhr, Stadtsaal, Alfred Šramek Saal left
die exen & Theater Triebwerk
Ages 12 and up • german, From 12 years, German, 70 min
70 min • Full-view manipulation puppets, shadow puppetry, hand puppets, objects
€ 20 / 10

Puppeteers: Karin Schmitt (die exen), Uwe Schade (Theater Triebwerk)

Artistic advisor: Elisabeth Bohde (Theaterwerkstatt Pilkentafel)

Costumes and props: Christof von Büren, Karin Schmitt

die exen & Theater Triebwerk Website

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