Ebb and Flow – The Moon Drinks a Cup
Tea ceremony for little ones

Peaceful theater for little ones and their families.


MOND Kraft Well elle gscht GISCHT PSCHSCH Psst TS TS ZSCHT … We have all the time in the world to make a cup of tea. A brushstroke ... in the lives of our little ones.


In her sixth theater production for the very youngest, Cordula Nossek is MOND (Moon). It has been catapulted out of primeval earth. Circling us, hiding her face, yet exerting power over us ... and thirsty. A tea ceremony.


Dada poetry meets Japanese Kabuki theater – something that does not really sound like a kids’ cultural program for ages 1+ is transformed into an intense experience for children and parents alike by professional puppeteer Cordula Nossek in “Ebb and Flow.” After more than 30 years on stage in international guest performances, Nossek has proven that the very youngest of children can follow and actively participate for more than a half hour – often to the astonishment of their parents. “MOND Kraft Well elle gscht GISCHT PSCHSCH Psst TS TS ZSCHT” … The artist herself on the piece: “We have all the time in the world to make a cup of tea. The (first) theater experience becomes  brushstroke ... in the lives of our little ones.”

09:00 Uhr, Probenvorraum
Ages 1 and up • german, + 10 min conclusion
35 min • Hand puppets, objects
€ 12 / 6

Puppeteer/scenography: Cordula Nossek

Director/dramaturgy: Gernot Ebenlechner

Photos: Josef Schimmer, Gernot Ebenlechner

Dachtheater Website

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