The Rain Maiden

Based on the fairy tale by Theodor Storm and the pictures of Paula Modersohn-Becker


The summer is so hot that all the flowers have dried up and many animals have died of thirst. The Rain Maiden – who always made sure it rained – has fallen asleep because no one has visited her for a long time. This makes the feisty little Fire Goblin very happy, and he dances wildly across the dry fields. But who should wake the Rain Maiden? Nobody knows where she lives anymore. And nobody knows the old saying you have to recite to wake her. Only the little Fire Goblin knows the way and the saying – and naturally he doesn’t want to tell anyone. But two people, who want to be together forever, discover how the saying goes and set off in search of the way to the Rain Maiden. But it’s a long journey – and full of surprises.


A play about poverty and wealth, wisdom and friendship, and love of nature.

17:00 Uhr, Stadtsaal, Wilhelm Bernatzik-Saal
Verein zur Rettung der Dinge
Ages 6 and up • german
50 min • Hand puppets, objects
€ 14 / 7

Puppets: Karin Bayerle, Peter Ketturkat

Director/stage design: Peter Ketturkat

Director/puppets: Karin Bayerle

Viola: Lorenz von Hötting

Music: Johann Pachelbel, J.S. Bach, Lorenz von Hötting, Peter Ketturkat

Freely adapted from the classic fairy tale by Theodor Storm and the pictures of Paula Modersohn-Becker

Verein zur Rettung der Dinge Website

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